
New Trans 4.2 now available!

On the Download and test web page we officialy released the latest version of our software for operating the System. New version, marked as Trans 4.2 is available in all languages ​​in Europe.

Introduced solutions in version 4.2 make working with Trans System even faster and more efficient.

“Most of the features introduced in the current version of have been developed upon suggestions and consultations from users of our system. With this approach we are confident that the solutions we implemented are exactly those expected by our customers” – says Grzegorz Haładus from the Department of Communications.

The most important novelties available in Trans 4.2 include:

  • New filters for offers selection
    Now, using the offer table you can get to the most interesting orders even faster.
    New offer filtering option means convenience and saving the time. HERE ».
  • Transferring files via instant messenger
    You can send text and graphic files using TRANS Instant Messenger. In this way, necessary to the conclusion of transaction documents can be sent faster. HERE ».
  • Improved contact list
    With the next version of TRANS System, there are new features available from the contact list.
    Now, you can add contacts faster and manage them easier. HERE ».
  • Offer sharing feature
    Now, you can immediately share offer details to other users and to the emplyees of your company. HERE ».
  • Gaining recommendations
    Using the new feature, you can ask any TRANS System user to issue recommendations for your company.
    HERE ».

With the release of new Trans version 4.2 the rules and costs of access to products within System have changed. Current prices can be found on the “Price list” web page.

Previous Trans version 4.0 was publicly presented on September 2011. The most important changes included i.a. complete maps module of Europe (so-called TransMap) with the function of route cost calculation, searching contacts engine in Trans Instant Messenger and the ability to work on multiple windows or tabs.

The new Trans version 4.2 can be downloaded by clicking HERE ».

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