
Italian FIAP becomes our partner

At the end of August FIAP (Federazione Italiana Autotrasportatori Professionali) – the Italian association of road carriers became our partner. FIAP is the biggest road carriers association in Italy having about 10 000 members.

Companies co-operating with FIAP are granted a substantial discount on a subscription and a 30-day free trial on our exchange.

The agreement also includes a system co-operation during transport events (fairs, conferences, symposiums) and some undertakings concerning security in the supply chain.
FIAP is another association that we co-operate with. So far we have been partners with the following associations: BVL i LBS (Germany), ARE (Russia), UNAS (Slovakia), BAME (Belarus), CLA (the Czech Republic), ULA (the Ukraine), Lineka i Linava (Lithuania) and PISIL (Poland).

Find out more about FIAP on Federazione Italiana Autotrasportatori Professionali’s website.

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