At the beginning of this year we presented the latest version of our software that allows sending text and image files via the messenger, sharing offers with your colleagues and getting recommendations from other System users. Today we are implementing another solution – possibility of mass import of offers to the System.
This feature allows posting many offers on the exchange without the need for repeated completing a load or vehicle form.
In order to post many offers simultaneously on the load and vehicle exchange, just import the previously created .csv file that contains details of a load or vehicle offer.
“Working in transport requires an ability to have control over several complicated processes at the same time. As a technological company we aim at simplifying and speeding up these processes”, says Grzegorz Haładus, the company Head of Communications. “The feature of offer import to the exchange was developed to help our clients save time”.
When the data is entered, the System informs the user on the number of imported lines and their correctness. The last thing to do is confirm the offer import before publishing them in System.
- Instructions for offer import
The instructions include a detailed description of mass import of offers to the System. - Instruction for CDV file creation
You will find out here how to create a csv file with load and vehicle details.
More details about the latest version of software can be found HERE».